Wednesday 30 March 2011

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Typography

My typeface dubbed "Modern Decay" is based on the quote " The disease that is modernism" from the Helvetica documentary. I liked the idea of a font that was falling to pieces from decay and started with one that I felt looked fairly modern. The colours I chose reflect disease in my mind and enhance that sense.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Axo

The Axo drawing shows the motion of the camera lenz extending as it is turned on. I wanted to show the shutter opening at the same rate as I noticed occurs after watching the motion a few times.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Sketch

My "Sketch" drawing was based on the negative drawing which used smudging pencil shavings to get a fill effect and masking off areas to get a clean sharp edge.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Section

My section was of a steel craft knife focusing in on the screw device which slides the blade and holds the whole thing together making it a very central and important part.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Hatch

Here is my final hatch. I wanted to stick with straight lines and see what visual effects I could create such as the 'checkered vortex' up top right. The hatching increases in density from bottom left to top right.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Draw

This is my final draw sketch. I wanted to show the different materials of the camera without rendering it so I used hatch lines and black fill to do this.

Zac Bird DSDN101 P1 Identity

Here is my final indentity sketch. I used my phone, keys, two pens and a lead case. I thought the keys controlling the shape of everything gave it the look of an explosion so I rendered it to reflect this.

Monday 7 March 2011

Hey all. Im Zac and this is my Rapid Visualisation Blog for design at Victoria University. Should soon be full of my work so until then....