Wednesday 13 April 2011

DSDN 101 April Hand In 2 second Clip

My video clip showing the sort of style I want to have in my final video. The real world being in black and white with the imaginative visuals in colour to emphasise them as being more creative.

DSDN 101 April Hand In Story Board

In my video I want to show myself walking down the street and as I see things my imagination takes over and starts changing things in front of me. These changes are not just visual however and act as if they were real.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

DSDN 101 April Hand In Mind Map

With my degree being Media Design minoring in Computer Science and my goal to become a Game Designer
focusing my mind map was relatively easy. What I really wanted to focus on was the idea of escapism as having
no limits or restrictions is something that really appeals to me. Therefore my video will be based on the idea of
"Design is Escapism."