Sunday 12 June 2011


For my word Passion I wanted to show both references to the car and to the passion that I believe the company has. Tyre tread was used for the grid as it was the best grid that is physically part of a car. It also proved to be a nice medium to work with as rubber can be cut easily. For the thread I used burning string the string was more to direct the flames but had a nice effect when it was charred and also the embers on the tips I feel looked quite good. Fire I believe shows passion very well as the fluidity of it speaks of this.

The Letter

(for the parts that are difficult to read)

Dear Lamborghini Board of Directors
I am writing this as a design student in New Zealand to share my opinion on your company and brand. I feel that as a company you show great passion in everything that you create. You don’t just make cars you bring them to life. Not only this but you continue to bring about cars that embody the spirit of the fighting bulls of their namesakes.
At present you are seen as a company that creates supercars for people with a true passion for speed and style. I believe that if you design cars with the essence of the bull driving the forms then your cars will continue to captivate these people as they do me. Show enough passion and soul in the shape and body of your cars and the people will see this and understand the passion that is Lamborghini.
Forever a fan
Zac Bird

The Poster

The finished poster showing the opposing ideas of evolving forms and tradition. I liked the idea of seeing these ideas actually facing off against each other so the rampaging bull worked perfectly. With the in situ photo I wanted to show it next to some current fluid forms and shapes that represented my side of the arguement.

Monday 6 June 2011

The Plan

My plan for the word is to use tyre tread as the grid and to use something flammable so that flames are the thread. For the letter I will paint it in black paint to give a motor oil look and it should look passionate as opposed to just typing it. For the poster I am facing off evolving forms vs. traditional shapes so I want to use the bull from the Lamborghini logo and have them facing off against each other.