Thursday 28 July 2011

Blog Assignment 3 (Ornament Constructed)

Pistol with singing-bird Ornamental watch in the shape of a flintlock double-barrelled pistol Rochat, Geneva - ca. 1810. 

“Construction should be decorated. Decoration should never be purposely constructed.”
The above watch is the perfect example of ornament or decoration constructed. Anyone who actually attempted to wear this would have quite the weight on their wrist not to mention hitting everything anywhere near it. This watch is obviously not practical in the least and the actual clock looks as if it was added as an afterthought. All of the colours and gold embellishments add to the idea that this is never meant to be worn just looked at so what purpose could it serve in being a watch.
When anything is designed it should be designed for its use first and formost so as to fulfill its purpose. Decoration can then be added to make it asthetically pleasing. By turning something that looks good into another tool or object you are going to create something that is never going to work even remotely well and is ultimately useless as anything but an ornament.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Blog Assignment 2 (The Continuing Curve)

The straight line. The best example that comes to mind of the continuing curve is the big flat trapezoidal shape of the Lamborghini Countach of the 70's-80's perfectly embodying this straight line design as a beautiful car.

And opposed to this would be the latest creation by Lamborgini the Aventador which is a much more fluid form with all these flowing curves and surfaces really showing how the curve is beautiful.
And the Countach really was the beauty of its time as its name is literally an exclamation Italion men make usually when they see a gorgeous women. It was the pin up car on boys walls all across the world as the ultimate object that they all dreamed to have. Whereas these days when we see a car with all the straight lines and not a single curve we think old and outdated. Curves are the latest definition of stunning form as we can see in the 2012 Aventador. Though there is the odd straight line as almost a throw back to the old design this is where we are at the moment and in ten to 20 years we will probably see a lot more flat shapes and forms in whatever we are driving.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Blog Assignment 1. Interactive fun is important.

The Neocube is an important piece of design in my opinion because happiness is key to people having good lives. This cube is very inovative in that each metal ballis a magnet and together they attract each other in a way that lets you create some amazing shapes. There are a million and 1 ways to use this fairly simple design and that is also a good way of keeping peoples minds active. here is a link to a video of just a few of the things you can do with it.