Thursday 28 July 2011

Blog Assignment 3 (Ornament Constructed)

Pistol with singing-bird Ornamental watch in the shape of a flintlock double-barrelled pistol Rochat, Geneva - ca. 1810. 

“Construction should be decorated. Decoration should never be purposely constructed.”
The above watch is the perfect example of ornament or decoration constructed. Anyone who actually attempted to wear this would have quite the weight on their wrist not to mention hitting everything anywhere near it. This watch is obviously not practical in the least and the actual clock looks as if it was added as an afterthought. All of the colours and gold embellishments add to the idea that this is never meant to be worn just looked at so what purpose could it serve in being a watch.
When anything is designed it should be designed for its use first and formost so as to fulfill its purpose. Decoration can then be added to make it asthetically pleasing. By turning something that looks good into another tool or object you are going to create something that is never going to work even remotely well and is ultimately useless as anything but an ornament.

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