Monday 12 September 2011

Blog Assignment 4: Ornament or Nature

The iphone one of the most used pieces of technology today shows exactly this quote of "The evolution of
culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from objects of daily use.” It shows how as we evolve and our technology increases the need for ornamentation decreases in fact the aesthetics of the iphone are as minimalistic as possible proving that now less ornamentation is beauty in our eyes. It all stems from this design for practicality where ornament has no place, ornament does not fit the shape of your hand or give useful clear information. Adolf Loos said "We have outgrown ornament, we have struggled through to a state without ornament. Behold, the time is at hand, fulfilment awaits us." Even he knew that we were moving past the need for ornament and moving on to the more practical, the minimal, and in our eyes now, the beautiful.

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