Saturday 1 October 2011

Blog Assignment 8: Modernism: standardisation, rationalisation, and the search for the universal

I will altercate that design today is both an art and a science and that it is a result of function x economy. This equation states that design is driven from the technology available today and the products ability to be manufactured easily and cheaply. A great example of this is the skyscraper that we see on every corner of the modern world. As Raizman said in "The first machine age of Europe"*, "The equation of progress with standardized apartment blocks and minimal metal and glass furnishings designed for mechanized mass production might best be seen as a response to the needs of a monolithic public during times of economic hardship."
 As we can see above this simple and affordable design has been adopted everywhere and is the face of our cities. The manufacturing technology allowed the construction of these towering structures at a low cost and so drove this minimalistic design. However with technology bringing cheaper ways to do things it also brings the ability to create beauty in new and exciting forms.
As seen here the once straight lines of the classic skyscraper have been twisted into new beautiful forms by the hand of technology. Expressing that art is as much a part of design today as science and in many cases they are the same thing.

*Raizman, D. (2004). The First Machine Age in Europe, in History of Modern Design (pp. 166-191) New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.

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