Saturday 1 October 2011

Blog Assignment 9: Politics of Design: the Cold War, modernism + democrac

I will demonstrate that Lynx and the ideology that pulling women is of the utmost importance in today's society. With the lack of world wars and international strife the branding of today has shifted from the political to the ideological. Technology has given the everyday civilian more access to so much more information than in the days of WW1 and WW2 that consumerism has to take a different approach. Selling 'sex' is the most common form of this today and is used to sell almost everything. One great proof of this is Lynx deodorant saying through its branding that if you use it you will pull girls. As shown below this is demonstrated on the container with a mathematical formula suggesting that if science proves it this must be true. In fact one man believed this so fervently he sued lynx after 7 years of using the product and failing to get a girlfriend.*
 So while the method has shifted this is still driving forward the ultimate goal of consumerism, which drives capitalism.

*Ben Spencer (Oct. 31 2009). Man sues Lynx after failing to pull in seven years. Retrieved Oct 1 2011 from

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